To strengthen the strategic collaboration among academic, research institutions, network of centres of excellence, and the private sectors via large nuclear and synchrotron facilities to create an effective ecosystem for capacity development, technology transfer and commercialization as well as to strengthen the science, technology and innovation (STI) enculturation to enhance ASEAN science and technology cooperation.
- to create a regional platform that promotes sharing of nuclear, synchrotron and related facilities located in ASEAN region in order to enhance regional research collaboration for advancement of the collaborative sciences and technologies on the basis of mutual benefits
- to promote human resources development in the field of nuclear and synchrotron science and technology
- Develop the facilities and users network to promote research collaboration and human resources development among the ASEAN Member States (AMS);
- Seek for measures by which LNSN can consistently take in order to sustain nuclear and synchrotron technology development of ASEAN, including but not limited to:
- Establish safe, flexible and sustainable mechanism to promote facilities sharing and user access among AMS;
- Establish the facilities and user database to promote the utilisation of nuclear and synchrotron technology among AMS; and
- Support developing and planning for facilities upgrades and/or new facilities.
- Facilitate and accelerate the transfer of the scientific and technological development in nuclear and synchrotron related area among ASEAN countries and from more advanced regions of the world to the ASEAN region;
- Provide technical and in-kind support in the R&D and applications of nuclear and synchrotron technology;
- Establish funding mechanism to support the activities under the LNSN;
- Raise awareness on roles and contribution of LNSN in strengthening STI enculturation to enhance ASEAN science and technology cooperation; and
- Promote cooperation between LNSN and other regional and international organisations.