Contact Person:
1. Mohammad Khairul Zarifi bin Haji Masri, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Applied Physics, Geological and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link Gadong
Brunei Darussalam BE1410
Phone: +673-2463001 ext 1324; Fax: +673-2461502

2. Mohammad Hilni bin Harun Sani, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jln. Tungku Link, Gadong, BE1410, Brunei Darussalam;
Phone: +6732463001 ext 1343

Home - UBB

Contact Person:
1. Lim Ngo
Deputy Director of Department of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS); #23, St 360, Sangkat Beung Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone: 011 434 777

2. Sat Thida
Deputy Head of the Office, Department of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MOEYS), #23, St 360, Sangkat Beung Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone: 089 575718

  • National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia       

1. The GA Siwabessy Multi-Purpose Reactor Reactor 30 MW at Serpong
– 5 beamlines in operation consist of Radioisotope production, Neutron spectroscopy and diffraction, Power Ramp Test, Neutron radiography, Gem irradiation

2. TRIGA Reactor: Power 2 MW at Bandung

3. Kartini Reactor Power 100 kW at Yogjakata

Research and applications: Isotope production for medical therapy and environmental aspect, Identification of pollution source: human activities, volcano, forest fire, Analysis of nutrient deficiency in children bones, Gemstone irradiation (from/to Germany), Material Thermal Physics, Radiometric, Radioisotope production, Labeled Compound Test,  Veterinary medicine, Radiation in Environment (Analysis of nutrient deficiency – Air pollution: Identification of source for airborne particles, especially PM2.5.

Contact Persons:
1. Dr. Muhammad Rifai
Head of Research Center for Accelerator Technology
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Tel: +6281331009991

2. Dr. Emy Mulyani
Researcher, Accelerator Cyclic
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Tel: +6281232612367

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Ministry of Education and Sports, Department of Higher Education | OPEN Laos

Contact Persons:

Mr. Phonesavanh Lathdavong
Director of Radiation and Nuclear Safety Office
Department of Science, Ministry of Education and Sports
Tel: +856305516889, +85620888979

  • Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia)

A premier research and development (R&D) organization in nuclear science and technology, continues to play an active role and contributes to the implementation and realization of national science and technology (S&T) policies to ensure it remains a relevant public research institute for the country.

The facilities consist of

– The TRIGA PUSPATI Reactor (RTP), a nuclear research reactor with 1 MW
– Gamma Irradiation Facility
– Electron Beam Irradiation Facility, ALURTRON has two medium energy 3.0 MeV electron beam machines: a high energy 3.0 MeV machine (EPS-3000) and a low energy 200 keV machine (Curetron)
– Gamma Green House, mutation induction in plants and biological samples
– Radioactive Waste Technology
– Malaysia Genome Institute

Research & applications: Pharmaceutical, Polymer, vulcanization, Medical: Sm-153 can be commercially used for bone cancer, nuclear medicine, bone graft, tissue bank, wound dressing, Agriculture: stable isotope to identify the origin of contaminated substance in foods, Climate change and Environmental research, Protein research, R&D collaborations for sustainable development, Promote and transfer to commercialize user, Mobile Hot Cell (transferred hot cells), Research cluster

Contact Person: 
1. Dr. Muhammad Rawi Bin Mohamed Zin
Deputy Director General, Technical Service Programme
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Tel: +60389112000

2. Dr. Mohd Anuar Bin Jonet
Head of Structural and Applied Genomics
Malaysia Genome Institute NIBM, Malaysia
Tel: +0619788127

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Contact Person:
1. Dr. Khin Ye Lwin
Principal Scientist, Division of Atomic Energy
Department of Research and Innovation, Ministry of Education
Tel: +95 67 3404460

  • Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)

The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute is mandated to undertake research and development activities in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, institute regulations on the said uses, and carry out the enforcement of said regulations to protect the health and safety of radiation workers and the general public.

  • Research reactor (1 MW later upgraded to 3 MW) and decommissioning.
  • 2.5 MeV Electron Beam Irradiation Facility
  • Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility
  • Gammacell-220 for irradiation of small volume of samples and for calibration of dosimeters

Research and Application: – Re-establish the operation of reactor, Training and Educating, Basic irradiation services, Neutron activation analysis

Contact Person:
1. Mr. Jeffrey Delantar Tare
Senior Science Research Specialist, Nuclear Reactor Operations Section
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Tel: 89296011 local 231, +639185798269

2. Mr. Neil Raymund Diaz Guillermo
Supervising Science Research Specialist, Department of Science and
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Tel: +63289296011

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  • Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)


The Singapore Synchrotron Light Source, SSLS, comprises a compact superconducting storage ring with 700 MeV electron energy 8 beamlines and 4.5 Tesla magnetic field to produce synchrotron radiation with a characteristic photon energy of 1.47 keV and characteristic wavelength of 0.845 nm. This is a University-level Research Centre at the National University of Singapore.

Research and Applications: Surface/Interface physics, Crystallography, Micromachinery, UV-lithography, Tomography, Infrared micro-spectroscopy, Material characterization, Phase-contrast imaging

Contact Person:
Prof. Mark Breese
Director, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
National University of Singapore
Tel: +6565167930

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  • Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)


Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization) or TINT is an independent organization separated from the Office of Atoms for Peace on 21 April 2006 to carry out research and development and to promote the utilization of nuclear technology. TINT also provides nuclear-related services and technology transfer to the public to help improve the quality of life and national development.

The Facilities consist of

    • Thai Research Reactor with 1 MW (Operational power) for neutron applications e.g.  Neutron imaging, Neutron Activation Analysis, Gemstone coloring, and Sm-153 production.
      • Neutron Flux up to 3e13 cm-2/s-1
      • Using low-enriched Uranium-lead
      • Irradiation facility in thermal neutrons
      • 3 Neutron beam ports
    • Electron beam irradiation with 3, 5, 10 and 20 MeV
    • Gamma irradiation from Co-60
    • Cyclotron with Proton (15-30 MeV) and Deuteron (9-15 MeV) for Medical isotopes production and Ion beam analysis (Under Installation)
    • Thailand Tokamak-1 for Plasma & Fusion study

Contact Person:

  1. Assoc. Prof. Thawatchai Onjun, Ph.D.
    Executive Director
    Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
    2. Kanokporn Boonsirichai, Ph.D.
    Manager of Nuclear Technology Research and Development Center, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Nakhon Nayok, Thailand
    Phone: +6692 246 1052, +662 401 9669 ext. 1700

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  • Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) 


The Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) is a Public Organization under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Royal Thai Government. The institute operates the Siam Photon Laboratory (SPL) which is the first synchrotron facility in Thailand. The SPL services synchrotron light from the Siam Photon Source (SPS), a 1.2 GeV synchrotron light source. Many experimental techniques are available at the SPL for Thai and international users.

– Maximum current 150 mA
– Operating for 12 hours
– 4 insertion devices with 10 beamlines with 12 end-stations
– Several supporting laboratories

Research and Applications: X-ray scattering, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Infrared micro-spectroscopy, Macromolecular crystallography, Tomography, Lithography, Photoemission, Cultural heritage, Food and agriculture, Medical applications

Contact Person:

  1. Assoc. Prof. Saroj Rujirawat, Ph.D.
    Director of Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI)
  2. Somchai Tancharakorn, Ph.D.
    Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Nakhon Ratchasima
    Phone: +6686 031 9900, +6644 217 040 ext. 1477

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  • Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)

វាយតំលៃលទ្ធផលកម្មវិធីអនុវត្តថាមពលបរមាណូ២០០៦-២០១៥          Dalat Nuclear Research Institute

Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute is a special ranked scientific organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology, whose function is to assist the Minister to perform duties including basic research, application and deployment of research results in the field of atomic energy, technical support for governmental management on atomic energy, radiation, and nuclear safety, education and training in the field.

The feature of the Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor (DNRR) is the main structure of the TRIGA Mark II reactor.
– Low-enriched uranium (19.75%) for IVV-9 500 kW in Dalat, planned for operation until 2027 – 2028
– Working time is 1 week/month
– Neutron flux up to 5e12  n. cm^-2 s-1
– Equipped with 4 beamlines

Research and Applications:  Neutron activation analysis (NAA), Fast neutron irradiation, RI production, e.g. I-131, P-32, Tc-99m, Cr-51, for industry, agriculture, hydrology, Gems irradiation, Trace elements in oils is ongoing.

Contact Person:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quoc Tien
Deputy Director of Institute of materials science
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

2. Dr. Dung Manh Ho
Deputy Director General
Dalat Nuclear Research Institute
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Tel +84 918336329

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