The 1st Governing Council Meeting Of ASEAN Large Nuclear And Synchrotron Facility Network

Countries represented in the meeting: Brunei Darussalam:1. Dr. Mohammad Khairul Zarifi bin Haji Masri, Lecturer in Applied Physics, Geological and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link Gadong2. Dr. Mohammad Hilni bin Harun Sani Lecturer in Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Cambodia1. Ms. Lim Ngo, Deputy Director of […]

The Symposium on the Application of Radiation Techniques for Cultural Heritage Research

“Discussions in the breakout rooms confirmed the findings from the questionnaire, with some additional comments and opinions. Research topics of interest included cultural heritage analysis, preservation, conservation, and restoration. Additional objects of interest were ceramics, pottery, and glass beads. Access to cultural heritage items and their transport out of the country of origin were brought […]

Neutron Applications Workshop

Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization) (TINT) in cooperation with ASEAN Large Nuclear and Synchrotron Facility Network (LNSN) is organizing an ASEAN training workshop on neutron applications in order to promote research collaboration utilizing nuclear research reactors among the ASEAN members.  The Workshop is funded by ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Fund (ASTIF) and […]